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Why Convert Your Tub Into a Walk-In Shower?

Is your bathtub the go-to spot for all your relaxation? Well, it’s time to make things a little more space-efficient! converting a tub into a shower can be surprisingly affordable and simple. Here are the benefits of converting a tub into a shower.


It’s a well-known fact that baths take up a lot of space! If you have a second tub and can’t use it, then you can convert your tub into a shower and use the space for something else.


The shower module can be easily taken out of the tub if you ever decide to sell your home or move. Modular showers are becoming a popular addition to condos and other multi-residential buildings.

Energy Efficiency

A typical 80-gallon tub can waste up to 27,000 gallons of water every year just from showering! Replace your tub with a walk-in shower and you’ll save money on your water bill.


Taking a shower is healthier than bathing in hot water because it helps prevent dry skin and eczema flare-ups. A shower head also has more control over the temperature of the water, meaning you can easily adjust the temperature as needed. Taking a bath can leave your skin feeling tingly as well.

Luxury Shower Experience

With a walk-in shower, you get the most space on the market. You also get the high quality of a commercial-grade shower. This means that your shower will be strong and durable because commercial-grade showers are designed to last for years.

Closet Space

If you are shopping a home, you can take advantage of storage space in your closet by converting a tub into a walk-in shower. Hammocks and benches are also great storage options if you need additional storage in your home.


Walk in showers will keep children and pets safe because they can’t crawl into the tub or fall into it without being seen by an adult.


You don’t have to consider tub cleaning, because walk-in showers come with an easy-to-clean surface. If you choose, you can also have your shower cleaned more frequently than regular baths.

A walk in shower provides a much more comfortable experience than a bath. Baths can leave you feeling tired and drained, whereas showers will leave you feeling awake and refreshed.


If you are selling your home or looking for an investment property, replacing your tub with a walk-in shower will help make your property more attractive to buyers and renters. If you are looking for a quick and cost-effective way to make your home more energy-efficient, consider a walk-in shower.

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