What is Malay Confinement Food – Know All About It?

What is Malay Confinement Food – Know All About It?

What is Malay?

Malay is one of the popular Australian languages spoken officially by the people of many countries like Brunei, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Singapore. Malay is also spoken unofficially by many countries like East Timor and Thailand. Almost 290 million people speak the language in the world. The malay confinement food is very famous in many countries like Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, etc.


What is Confinement Food?

Confinement food refers to the food prepared or will be prepared in a given period or a confined period. The importance of confinement food is that it helps in the nourishment of the body and also helps in fast recovery. The confinement food also helps in boosting the supply of milk in the body. Because of the enormous benefits of this food, there is a great demand for malay confinement food in many countries, especially Singapore and Thailand. Confinement refers to when a mother’s body is from pregnancy and childbirth. The confinement food is considered very important for keeping the child and mother from ill-health.


What is Malay Confinement Food?

Malay Confinement food has some specific periods and details. The confinement period of the Malay confinement food is of 44 days. The dietary requirement of confinement food is to prevent cool foods and promote blood circulation, milk supply, and strength of joints after the pregnancy. The women must ensure to restore the balance of the body by eating only hot food. It is often suggested to women that they can take a special drink known by the name Jammu in the Malay confinement diet. Jammu is considered important to keep the body warm as the pregnancy causes the body’s pores to open.


Dishes of Malay Confinement Food

The confinement food of Malay includes a large no. of dishes and drinks and can also vary according to the person and medical conditions. But the common dishes that are included in almost all Malay confinement food charts are pig’s trotter that is cooked with a mixture of vinegar and ginger, soup of fish, cooked chicken in specific sesame oil, a traditional tonic prepared and brewed with the help of almost ten herbs, soup of fish that is boiled with the fruit papaya is considered very important for women as it helps in the production of milk.



Confinement refers to when a mother’s body is from pregnancy and childbirth. The confinement food is considered very important for keeping the child and mother from ill-health. Malay Confinement food has some specific periods and details.

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