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Some State Disability Insurance Benefits

Some people believe that the United States should follow the lead of most European countries in providing a universal social safety net for citizens. Some of these countries have pervasive welfare systems, with many different benefits available to everyone who needs them.


Others argue that such a system would lead to a decline in work ethic, lower tax revenue as citizens become more dependent on government programs and spend less time working, and increased poverty.


In this post, learn what you can do to get state disability insurance benefits if you’re unable to work due to an illness or injury and how those benefits change when you can return to your previous occupation. We’ll discuss work incentives, what kind of jobs qualify for disability insurance, and how you can appeal if your claim is denied.


What Is Disability Insurance?


The Social Security Administration provides many kinds of benefits available to those who cannot work due to an illness or injury. These benefits include Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), and Federal/State programs such as workers’ compensation.


Supplemental Security Income (SSI) provides cash assistance to poor, disabled adults, children, and seniors when their income and assets aren’t enough to cover the costs of food, medical care, housing, clothing, and other necessities. SSI is not a program that pays for long-term health care needs but covers non-medical expenses such as food, clothing, and shelter.


Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is a government program that provides monthly cash benefits to disabled workers, their dependents, and their survivors. The benefit you can receive depends on your work history, your level of disability, and the number of dependents who rely upon you for support.


Disability insurance payments are provided to those unable to work due to illness or injury and are paid out while they await a decision regarding Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI).


Work Incentives for Disability Insurance


When you cannot work, disability insurance benefits provide a way to make up for some of the income you lose. However, some incentives encourage you to return to your previous job or seek employment elsewhere. These incentives include:


The Federal government allows you a certain amount of time each month during which your disabled worker’s benefits will continue. After that, they may stop providing those monthly benefits if you do not seek employment and attempt to return to work. There’s no limit on the months they can withhold payment if you continue looking for work.

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